Brooksby hall Wedding table detail

Wedding Details

Wedding photography is not just about the bride and groom and the guests. There will be many wedding details and wedding decoration ideas that you will of carefully planned which all go to make your wedding day unique to you.

Bridal prep details
wedding Details
D.I.Y wedding decoration ideas. Keythorpe Manor

From the largest to the smallest of wedding details you may of planed everything right down to the colour of the paper straws

Perhaps you are hiring in elements for your wedding decorations like giant L.O.V.E letters or Mr & Mrs.

Wedding Decoration Ideas

D.I.Y Wedding Decorations

Bawdon Lodge Farm

Its not just the expense of the hired in elements for your wedding but just as important are all of your own D.I.Y wedding decorations and ideas that went into styling your wedding day look.

How the table settings looked or the way the chairs were dressed

Brooksby hall table details (1)
Wedding decorations

And how the whole room looked on the wedding day when it all came together

Brooksby Hall wedding breakfast room
Brooksby Hall wedding breakfast Villiers room
Wedding newspaper wedding details (
Wedding newspaper details
wedding Decoration Ideas
wedding Decoration Ideas

Your wedding shoes might spend all day hidden underneath your dress so lets get a few photographs of them too

Wedding details shoes
Wedding shoes

Dress Details you can see a few more dress and wedding prep photos on my bridal prep wedding page here

Leicester wedding photography bridal prep

My below gallery of some of my wedding photography will give you some wedding detail and decoration ideas. Click / tap or double tap any image to view a full size version and swipe for the next